Tutorial crosetat

tutorial crosetat

Tutoriale crosetat
Model de crosetat elefant din seria Mini Pals
- Oa-ochi alunecat
- Ol- ochi de lant
- Ps- piciorus simplu
- pd – piciorus dublu
- ptr-piciorus triplu
- pm-piciorus mediu
- cr-crestere
- sc-scadere
- BLO – lucrați numai în bucla din spate
Materiale necesare pentru a croseta ursuletul panda:
- Fir de culoare alba, neagra si roz de aceasi grosime
- croseta de 3.5 mm
- Ochi de siguranta de 9 mm
- umplutura
Se croseteaza cu fir de culoare gri. Umpleti in timp ce avansati
- Randul 1. Faceti 6 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randul 2. Cr de 6 ori (12)
- Randul 3. (1 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (18)
- Randul 4. ( ps, cr, ps) repetati de 6 ori (24)
- Randul 5. (3 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (30)
- Randul 6. (2 ps, cr, 2 ps) repetati de 6 ori (36)
- Randul 7. (5 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (42)
- Randurile 8-13. Ps in fiecae ochi (42)
- Randul 14. (5 ps, sc) repetati de 6 ori (36)
- Randul 15. (2 ps, sc, 2 ps) repetati de 6 ori (30)
- Randul 16. (3 ps, sc) repetati de 6 ori (24)
- Randul 17. (ps, sc, ps) repetati de 6 ori (18)
- Randul 18. (1 ps, sc) repetati de 6 ori (12)
- Randul 19.6 sc
Ochii de siguranta de insereaza intre randurile 10-11 la o distanta intre ele de 7 ochiuri.
Corpul este lucrat cu fir lila. Umpleti in timp ce avansati.
- Randul 1. Faceti 6 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randul 2. Cr de 6 ori (12)
- Randul 3. (1 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (18)
- Randul 4. (2 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (24)
- Randul 5. (3 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (30)
- Randul 6. (4 ps, cr, 5 ps) repetati de 3 ori (33)
- Randurile 7-8. Ps in fiecare ochi (33)
- Randul 9. BLO ps in fiecare ochi (33)
- Randul 10. Ps in fiecare ochi (33)
- Randul 11. (4 ps, sc, 5 ps) repetati de 3 ori (30)
- Randul 12. (3 ps, sc) repetati de 6 ori (24)
- Randul 13. (3 ps, sc, 3 ps) repetati de 3 ori (21)
- Randul 14. (5 ps, sc) repetati de 3 ori (18)
- Randul 15. (2 ps, sc, 2 ps) repetati de 3 ori (15)
- randul 16. (3 ps, sc) repetati de 3 ori (12). terminati lasand un fir lung pentru coasere.
Atasati fir de culoare corpului in ochiurile din fata de la randul 9.
- Randul 1. Cr cu pd in fiecare ochi (66)
Picioare faceti 2
Picioarele se croseteaza cu fir de culoare gri. Umpleti in timp ce avansati.
- Randul 1. Faceti 6 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randul 2. Cr de 6 ori (12)
- Randul 3. (1 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (18)
- Randurile 4-5. Ps in fiecare ochi (18)
- Rsndul 6. 3 ps, 6 sc, 3 ps (12)
- Randul 7. 3 ps, 3 sc, 3 ps (9)
- Randurile 8-13. Ps in fiecare ochi (9)
- Randul 14. 4 sc, ps (5). terminati lasand firul lung pentru coasere.
Brate faceti 2
Bartele se croseteaza cu fir de culoare gri si lila. Nu se umplu.
- Randul 1. Faceti 7 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randurile 2. Ps in fiecare ochi (7). Schimbati pe culoare lila.
- Randurile 3-9. Ps in fiecare ochi (7)
- crosetati cele doua laturi impreuna cu ps. Finalizati si lasati firul lung pentru coasere.
Urechi faceti 2
Urechile se crsoeteaza cu fir de culoare gri. Nu se umplu.
- Randul 1. Faceti 6 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randul 2. Cr de 6 ori (12)
- Randul 3. (1 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (18)
- Randul 4. (2 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (24)
- Randul 5. (3 ps, cr) repetati de 6 ori (30). Indoititi in doua si crosetati impreuan cele doua laturi cu 4 ps.
Trompa este crosetata cu fir de culoare gri.
- Randul 1. Faceti 6 ps in cercul magic (6)
- Randul 2. BLO ps in fiecare ochi (6)
- Randurile 3-4. ps in fiecare ochi (6)
- Randurile 5-8. 2 cr, 2 sc (6)
- Randul 9. 3cr, 3 ps (9)
- Randul 10. (ps, cr) x3, 3 ps (12)
- randul 11. (2 ps, cr) x3, 3 ps (15)
Asamblarea elefanului Emily
- coasem trompa de cap cu partea de sus intre ochi.
- coasem pe pozitie urechile pe laterala capului
- coasem corpul de cap
- coaem bratele de corp sub cap
- coasem picioarele de laterala corpului intre randurile 6-7
Crochet pattern Emily the elephant
- st – stitch
- sl st- slip stitch
- ch – chain
- sc – single crochet
- Inc – increase
- dec – decrease
- BLO- back loops only
- FLO-front loops only
What you will need
- I used Slim Cotton yarn from Retwist: gray, lila and a little pink for the cheeks
- Hook size 3.5 mm
- Fiberfill
- 2 black safety eyes- 9 mm diameter
- Tapestry needle
- Sewing needle
- Stitch marker
- Scissors
- Pins
For the head we will use gray color yarn and a 3.5 mm crochet hook. Stuff while advancing. Start with gray color yarn.
- Round 1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
- Round 2. 6 inc (12)
- Round 3. (sc, inc) x6 (18)
- Round 4. (sc, inc, sc) x6 (24)
- Round 5. (sc 3, inc) x6 (30)
- Round 6. (sc 2, inc, sc 2) x6 (36)
- Round 7. (sc 5, inc) x6 (42)
- Rounds 8-13. Sc around (42)
- Round 14. (sc 5, dec) x6 (36). Inserts eyes beteen rounds 11-12, 9 stitches apart.
- Round 15. (sc 2, dec, sc 2) x6 (30)
- Round 16. (sc 3, dec) x6 (24)
- Round 17. (sc, dec, sc) x6 (18)
- Round 18. (sc, dec) x6 (12)
- Round 19. 6 dec (6). Fasten off.
With pink yarn we embroider the cheeks inthe stitch just bellow the eyes.
Legs make 2
For the legs we’ll use gray color yarn and a 3.5 mm crochet hook. Stuff while advancing.
- Round 1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
- Round 2. 6 inc (12)
- Round 3. (sc, inc) x6 (18)
- Rounds 4-5. Sc around (18)
- Round 6. Sc 3, 6 dec, sc 3 (12)
- Round 7. Sc 3, 3 dec, sc 3 (9)
- Rounds 8-13. Sc around (9)
- Round 14. 4 dec, sc (5). Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
For the body we will use lila color yarn and a 3.5 mm crochet hook.
- Round 1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
- Round 2. 6 inc (12)
- Round 3. (sc, inc) x6 (18)
- Round 4. (sc, inc, sc) x6 (24)
- Round 5. (sc 3, inc) x6 (30)
- Round 6. (sc4 , inc, sc 5) x3 (33)
- Round 7. sc around (33)
- Round 8. BLO sc around (33)
- Rounds 9-10. Sc around (33)
- Round 11. (sc 4, dec, sc 5) x3 (30)
- Round 12. (sc 3, dec) x6 (24)
- Round 13. (sc 3, dec, sc 3) x3 (21)
- Round 14. (Sc 5, dec) x3 (18)
- Round 15. (sc 2, dec, sc 2) x3 (15)
- Round 16. (sc 3, dec) x3 (12). Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
For the skirt we add lila color yarn to fron tloops of round 8, we will work in circle, meaning that at the begining of each round we will chain 2 and at the end of each round we will sl st in top of the chain we made at the begining of the round.
- Round 1. Dc inc in each stitc (66)
- Round 2. Dc around (66). Fasten off and weave in the ends.
Arms make 2
For the arms we will use gray and lila color yarn and a 3.5mm crochet hook. Start with gray color yarn.
- Round 1. 7 sc in magic ring (7)
- Round 2. Sc around (7). Change to lila color yarn.
- Rounds 3-9. sc around (7). Fold the arms in two and sc the two sides together with 3 sc. Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Ears make 2
For the ears we will use gray color yarn and a 3.5 mm crochet hook.
- Round 1. 6 sc in magic ring (6)
- Round 2. 6 inc (12)
- Round 3. (sc, inc) x6 (18)
- Round 4. (sc, inc, sc) x6 (24)
- Round 5. (sc 3, inc) x6 (30).Fold in half and sc two sides together in the following 3 st with sc. Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Assembly of Emily the elephant
- Sew the trunk in place with pink color yarn
- Sew the ears to the head
- Sew the body to the head
- Sew the arms in place on the sides of the body
- Sew the legs in place on the sides of the body bewteen rounds 6-7.
- If you wih to make a bow to the ehad, using the color of your choosing (pink in my case) : ch 4, 4tr cr in the first chain, ch 3 sl st in the same stitch, ch3, 4 r cr in the same st, ch 3 sl st in the same stitch. Fasten off elaving a long tail for sewing.
For the downloadable version of this pattern is available HERE